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What Is This Website, and Who are You?

This website is an ePortfolio, the final project of Writing 220: Introduction to Minor in Writing at the University of Michigan, and I am its creator, Ben Bugajski. There are three main assignments: first, the re-purposing project; second, the re-mediation project; and finally, the Why I Write assignment. All of these assignments plunged students into the world of audience, rhetorical situations, and multimodality, and you should see references to audience and why I did the things I did on the main pages of each project.

I intentionally made this website no-frills and easy to navigate because I think that its suave smoothness reflects me, and also because when I looked through past students' websites I didn’t like it when I couldn’t find my way around. This is not created for future employers or outside viewers (though if you’re here, that’s fine, too!), I made this for the course and its relative audience (a.k.a. its students). However, if you want to find out more about me, please contact me via the email at the bottom of the page or look at my class' blog at

Please enjoy my ePortfolio!

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